It's May Already!

It's May already! Where does the time go. Soon, Johnathan will be walking down that aisle never having to look at another high school classroom (unless he decides to be a teacher, which I don't see happening) And Phoenix will only have one more year of college left in another 5 weeks. My beautiful niece, the newest addition to our family is going to turn one in 2 more weeks. I need to just stop time! I hate how fast it goes. On a positive note though, it also means that conference season is back in full swing. I leave for Dallas in a few days and then I'm going to San Francisco in a month and then New York, Denver... I will have to post all the dates and signings. I'll get that to you all soon. I'm excited to meet more of you and I learn so much at conferences. I'm looking forward to spending time with family and friends at the lake and having lots of campfires. Let the summer begin!


  1. Hi could you please tell me which book for the billionaires tells the story of Trenton and Jennifer Anderson


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